How to Choose your Coffee

It can be tough to wade through the muddy waters of origins, tasting notes and processing to find the beans you are looking for. To help you on your way, we've created a little guide to selecting your coffee! Below are a list of coffees associated with a general flavour profile and colour. Similar colours will have similar profiles, but with its own uniqueness!

 Sweet, Balanced & Gentle

Smooth and deep with notes of chocolate and nuts.
Great for your daily coffee and when making pots for your friends and family. 
Guatemala -Farms of Sierra De Las Minas
Colombia - La Vergal | Decaf
Myanmar - Myay Ni Kone | Natural
 Brazil - Daterra Summer Solstice | Tree-Dried Natural

Thailand - Doi Pangkhon | Kenya-Style Washed


Fruity and Sweet

These coffees are full of fruit notes and character.
Often natural or honey processed, this means more of the characteristics from the coffee cherry – think fruit and sugar - make their way into the cup.
Ethiopia – Layo Teraga Boye | Natural 
Costa Rica - Ivan Solis El Vapor | Red Catuai Semi-Washed

Light and Bright

These coffees have a strong, acidic backbone.
They are likely a meticulously washed coffee, which means clean, clear flavour notes.
Ethiopia -Teshome Gemechu Lot 2
Nicaragua – La Picona Samuel Zavala | Java Parainema Natural
Honduras - Audilio Gomez Moreno | Pacas Washed 

Exotic and Exciting 

These coffees will be packed with intense and wild flavours and should elicit an appreciation for just how unique and intriguing a cup of coffee can be. Often containing exotic varietals or part of new or experimental processing methods such as anaerobic or yeast fermentation.

Colombia - La Soledad | Anaerobic Natural Pink Bourbon - 250g
Brazil - Daterra Low Caf Reserve | Pulped Natural - 250g


Our current go-to espresso that we are pulling in the shop is the Guatemala - La Florida | Washed. The Guatemala is straight-ahead chocolate and sweetness with a pleasing, lingering finish. 

Limited Roast

To see our limited roast schedule, please click here!


Try our sample packs or roaster surprise!

Made in Alberta


UPDATED: April 24th, 2024