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Paper filter for espresso - diameter size for 57mm for 58mm basket

ESPRESSO filters are a range of filters designed to make filtered coffee on espresso machines, improving the extraction consistency and puck yield with greater cup clarity, achieving better cups.

HIGH MEM is an espresso filter membrane made with a synthetic composition with a very regular structure, pore size and distribution that provides a high level of filtration on the espresso shots, with a huge impact on the extraction conditions, puck yield and with zero impact on the coffee flavour. This filter greatly decreases astringency by trapping some of the suspended astringent compounds.

Synthetic polymer, recyclable. Please deposit the filter in the proper place.
Manufactured with care in Barcelona.

The filter grade is the composition and structure of the filter (material, pore characteristics and manufacturing process). Each grade provides different filtration characteristics, effects the hydraulic resistance and has its own properties.

We are an official distributor of Sibarist in Canada.

SIBARIST - ESPRESSO | High Membrane Paper Filter

SIBARIST - ESPRESSO | High Membrane Paper Filter

Regular price $73.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $73.00 CAD
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